Message from the Principal

Aloha! Welcome to I-Lion Hawaii School where magic happens. Yes, magic. Come and learn how once shy girls (and boys) turn into friendly, outgoing teenagers. Learn how students gain skills that can help them to be successful in school and in life. That’s magic—the magic of Hawaii, the magic of ILHA.

Come and see for yourself. Over 350 of your classmates have. Traveling to Hawaii will be a new experience for you in many ways. Gain an international experience through a unique study program at I-Lion Hawaii School. We’ll be waiting for you.

アロハ!奇跡が起きるI-Lionハワイ校へようこそ。恥ずかしがりやの女子・男子生徒達がフレンドリーで積極的なティーンエージャーに成長します。学校生活においても人生においても成功するにはいろいろな能力が必要。I-Lionハワイ校の研修に参加すると、そういう能力を身に付けることができるのです。ハワイで、そして、ILHA (I-Lion Hawaii)校では、あなたにも奇跡が起きます。



--Earl Okawa, Principal of I-Lion Hawaii School